hey guys, I have some epic news to share... I'm discontinuing stickman dating sim.
now what dose this mean?
it means I'm going to stop make stickman dating sim games. but I will probably still draw some stickman dating sim characters (because I still like the characters lmao).
why am I doing this?
if I'm being honest I'm not really having fun making stickman dating sim anymore.... I did have fun making stickman dating sim 2 and 3 but not anymore. however I did have fun animating my clock day 2022... thing. so maybe I should do animations
what dose this mean for ultimate?
I'm cancelling ultimate too you can play what I did make here
anyway thank you for playing stickman dating sim :)
Ya! That's great! Glad you're doing what you'd like to do. That's the whole point of art. Can't wait to see what you'll do next.